California Dreamin'

Sunday, January 12, 2014

One of the greatest songs of all time got it right: "I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A."  Yup pretty much!  It's not tropical here, but a high of 70 degrees on a Saturday afternoon is much better than a -12 degree windchill. In my opinion, it's nice to visit the cold but I'll probably always migrate back to my hometown of Los Angeles.

This "sunny winters day" outfit I'm wearing consists of a skirt I got from Urban Outfitters for about $50.  Shoes from Call It Spring on sale for $20.  Purse from Nordstrom's BP Section for $50.  Shirt from Love Culture on sale for $12 and hat $3.
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  1. So jealous. It was "hot" today at a high of 50 degrees over here in the Northeast.

    1. I do kind of wish I could bust out my nice coats. I miss them.
